
Distance raced on this track: 00000 km

Padova IBR     PopularityPopularityPopularityPopularityPopularity

One of the premier off-road complexes in Europe: IBR Padova. This indoor facility features a full size indoor track with exciting jumps and a cross-over!

Indoor Buggy Race - Padova is a new complex designed and built specifically for nitro & electric RC cars Off-Road and electric RC cars On-Road enthusiasts.
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1:10 Short Course 4WDn/a
1:8 Nitro buggyn/a
1:8 Nitro buggy Specn/a
1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5Tn/a
1:8 Electric buggyn/a
1:8 Electric buggy Specn/a
1:10 Electric Stadium Truckn/a
1:10 Electric Stadium Truck Specn/a
1:10 Electric Crawlern/a
1:8 Rally Xn/a
1:8 Rally X Specn/a
00 00 00
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2017 SEASON 1 1:10 SC TRUCKS 13.5T ROUND 1 IBR Padova

18.01.2017   4 comments   Video: 1 available


Report by VRC race reporting

2017 SEASON 1 1:10 SC TRUCKS 13.5T ROUND 1 IBR Padova

Swedish offroader Robert Hillman has won first 2017 season race of SC 13.5 trucks. Robert`s run was consistent, fast and clear and this secured his victory in IBR Padova track.
TQ driver Erik Bottosso had his chances, but his race was ruin by two mistakes in early stage of the final. Erik`s pace was similar with Hillman but 6 seconds of mistakes was just too much and he had to settle to second place. Italian Tommaso Andreuccetti got last podium, with 0.120s difference before French Nicolas Loriot. These two had great battle of last podium place, finally Andreuccetti was stronger and Loriot had to settle to fourth place.

Swedish Robert Hillman was strongest with his Associated ride

In SPORT level French Gaetan Anger had great pace. This 20 years old French offroader was on h... read more


02.04.2014   1 comment   Video: 1 available


Hungarian racer Barnebas Toth finally grabbed victory in Season after finishing 3rd twice. It was a hard fought victory after battling it out with Javan Candy from the UK. Toth took over the lead in lap 21 after a few shaky laps of Candy, and never looked back to finish with 34 laps, 1 lap more than the rest. Rick Redmin had to settle for 3rd starting from pole but lost the lead mid race and could not recover. With only one race to go and only the best 4 results to be counted for the Sewries win, nothing has been decided yet.

A-Main PRO
1. Barnabás Tóth HU Hungary 34 20:27.394
2. Javan Candy GB United Kingdom 33 20:00.743
3. Rick Redmin US USA 33 20:03.440
4. Fredrik Boden SE Sweden 33 20:22.909
5. Kirby Backemeyer US USA 33 20:24.892
6. Richard Bagger SE Sweden 33 20:32.586
7. Dan Marson GB United Kingdom 33 20:36.637
8. KwangBok Lee KR Korea (South) 32 20:01.938
9. Hiromu Fujii JP Japan 32 20:03.183
10. David Barcena ES Spain DNS

Swedish Rober ... read more


29.01.2014   6 comments   Video: 1 available


report by Donald Stark (VRC race reporter)

2014 Season 1, Round 2 @ Padova

Pro Class Modified 4wd Short Course
After the dust settled from the 1/8th scale world championships at Padova, the track was still in good shape and ready to host round two of the Short Course series. Anytime Martin “the Wizard” Wollanka shows up, the competition has to be read to go. The first round of qualifying would prove this point as Martin piloted his car to a seven second win over Nicholas “Lunchbox” Loriot and the rest of the field. Loriot would however strike back in the second qualifier, grabbing the TQ spot for this event. Now the field was set.

The starting order was as follows:
1. Nicolas Loriot
2. Antoine Rossetti
3. Martin Wollanka
4. Barnabás Tóth
5. Eben Coetzee
6. Billy Caley
7. Francis Wathlet
8... read more


16.01.2014   10 comments   Video: 1 available


Report by Donald Stark (VRC race reporter)

December 18th 2013 marked the beginning of the 1/8th scale nitro buggy in VRC. The long awaited release caused an influx of members into the Virtual RC Racing community which was reflected in the number of entries at the inaugural Virtual RC World Championship. Over 1000 drivers registered for the event and 896 actually contested for the championship.

Throughout the week much attention was placed on set ups, since this is a brand new class there are certain things that were making life difficult for drivers. The first issue that had to be considers was fuel consumption and tuning. During the ten minute qualifier some drivers found they had to pit 6 minutes into the race. With a little tuning and carful use of the throttle it was possible to make 10 – 11 minutes before pitting. Then ... read more


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