Player profile - Nick L

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Name: Nick L
Age: (restricted)
Country: USA US
Home town: (restricted)
RC Clubs: I haven't found one in my area. Then again, I haven't really looked for one.
VRC Clubs: CarsRC Racing Club
Favorite brands: Kyosho, ARRMA, Redcat, Spektrum, O.S., Toro Nitro Fuels
Favorite VRC tracks: MHS Raceway 1, Pattaya 1, Psycho Nitro Blast 1
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My first RC I ever got was from a Tower Hobbies backpage ad in Radio Control Action magazine for TAMIYA combo kits. The only one that took my interest was the Blackfoot. This was i...
Best skill rating: 1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5T   rating: 8.39 (Sport)
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Social status: Level0

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